Expositie New York
Expositie bij Icosahedron Gallery in New York, januari 2011.
Icosahedron Gallery, one of West Chelsea’s premier art galleries, is pleased to welcome the new year with “Into The Void”, a group exhibition featuring a mixture of international artists. “Into The Void” will showcase the unparalleled artistic abilities of European artists, John Ligtenberg, Viktor Majdandzic and Amandine Lepoutre. This collective of artists truly exhibit the innate gift of vitality and pure talent in today’s contemporary art world
John Ligtenberg, Viktor Majdandzic and Amandine Lepoutre are an absolute trifecta of European abstract art exhibiting qualities in their works that are insurmountable on the vast art scale. John Ligtenberg from The Netherlands uses warm colors and a blend of acrylic and oil paints to portray an amalgamation of chaos and order exhibited in the beautifully destructive quality of his works. Also, from The Netherlands, Viktor Majdandzic uses wonderfully woven geometrical shapes to display a world of visual concepts to support a visual perception of infinite possibilities. Like Majdandzic, Parisian artist, Amandine Lepoutre, uses geometry and emotions congregate with perspective and color where lines meet or clash to create a series of work that caputre the ever ending motion of the library.